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Repetition of 251 Years Throughout the book of Genesis
72 pages, 11 tables

Related Topics:


Hubble’s Age of the Universe
 by Floyd R. Cox

The Bible is full of dates covering 251 sabbaticals from Adam to the fall of Babel, 251 x 8 from Adam to Abraham’s birth, 251 x 9 from Adam to Joseph’s birth and 251 x 10 from Adam to the Exodus. Then it inserts 479 years from the exodus to Solomon’s temple founded in his 4th year, in 968 BC. This places Adam’s first year in 3957 BC. The Babylonian Era of Nebopolasser (747 BC) supports this when we extrapolate the era backward to 3957 BC as the first year of the 19-year cycle, which also regulates the eclipse cycle 29.5305 days before the end of every 19 years.





The Jewish calendar subtracted 196 years (4 jubilees) from 3957 BC by removing 60 years between Abraham and his father and by dating the temple as 832 BC instead of 968. So now their calendar calculates the 19-year cycle based upon their date for Adam, i.e., 3761 BC.

Venus crossed the sun in 2012 AD, eight years after it’s transit in 2004. It has done this every 243 years (+8 = 251), since long before Moses. From Adam to Solomon’s temple there were 427 sabbaticals (427 x 7 years). Jupiter orbits the sun 18 times in 427 years (61 sabbaticals).

Nevertheless, the Bible calls planets “stars” and doesn’t mention galaxies, which were discovered by Edwin Hubble in about 1930. Well, here’s something new for Bible commentators to consider.





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We can only see 13.75 billion light years, as far as to the edge of the observable universe. The observer’s position is located within the Milky Way galaxy. If the universe came from a Big Bang, then that location becomes the center of the universe, not the location of the observer. The Milky Way is unlikely where the Big Bang originated.

Why is our view limited to the distance light can travel in 13.75 billion years? Because we assume that, after galaxies ascended from the Big Bang, they can never travel faster than light. Hubble’s Law states that, if a galaxy is twice the distance as another galaxy, it must be traveling twice as fast.

Astronomers can detect how fast a galaxy is receding away from an observer (from our galaxy) by observing its red shift. From our position, galaxies’ spectrums (wave lengths) become increasingly more reddish as they approach the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. Therefore, galaxies with the most red shift define the outer edge of the observable universe.


The Fourth Dimension

To solve the mystery of the size of the universe, we must engage all four dimensions: horizontal, vertical, depth and movement through time. A policeman knows how fast your car is coming toward him by checking the shorter wavelengths bounced back to him from his radar gun. A horn moving toward us has a higher pitch because the sound wavelengths become shorter. While moving away from us, the wavelengths become longer, with a lower sound pitch. This is called the Doppler Effect.

We can also use triangulation to measure distances. The radius of a circle can be placed exactly six times around the same circle and three times around a half circle as in the above example. This divides the half circle into three equal triangles.

This allows us to measure the distances of galaxies at points A, B, C, D & E and distances of galaxies at points 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 in the above illustration.

If light were sent from a galaxy at point D to an observer in a galaxy at point 3, the light would travel at the speed of light and would arrive at point 3 in one-half of a light year because the two galaxies are separated by a distance of how far light can travel in half of a year. Nevertheless, by the time the light would arrive, the observer would have traveled close to point 4 while increasing its velocity to the full speed of light.

This example can be extrapolated to show that some galaxies we see at the edge of the observable universe are much farther away by now, and some will disappear because they are receding from the viewer faster than light can travel. Light leaving point E will never reach a viewer at point 4 because the two points are beginning to separate beyond the speed of light. Moreover, an observer in a galaxy located at point E, can see another 3.75 billion light years distance, which the one at point 4 cannot see.

The Black Hole Paradigm

Creationists and evolutionists agree that everything had a beginning. Perhaps everything came from a Big Bang, which allegedly happened about 13.75 light years ago.

If the universe reaches its fullest expansion and begins to collapse back toward its original location of the previous Big Bang, that location would then transform into a Black Hole. But what if the Big Bang and Black Hole were stationary, and only the galaxies are moving? To an observer at position 3 in the above chart, all the galaxies would appear to be receding faster and faster as if they were being sucked into a black hole, the location of the original Big Bang (II Pet 3:10-13).

If the Black Hole were just beyond a galaxy that appears to be red shifted to us, then our galaxy would appear to be red shifted to anyone looking at our galaxy from there. If the observer were located at any point in the above illustration, the rest of the universe would recede away from that point of observation just as it does from observer at point 3.

The problem is that nobody seems to know where the Big Bang actually occurred nor where the Black Hole would be.

Nevertheless, science accepts the Big Bang instead of the Big Hole because galaxies are presently receding away from the viewer and away from each other.

Again as said, galaxies’ wavelength shortens and becomes bluer as they (like Andromeda) come toward the observer. So movement in time becomes important.

Diameter of 93 Billion Light Years (28 Megaparsecs)?

Another assumption includes the time it took after the Big Bang for matter to develop and send light toward our present location and how much farther out light rays would reach by now if they traveled faster than the farthest visible galaxy.

Based upon this, some have defined the diameter of the observable universe as 93 billion light years (28 megaparsecs). This would demand that we include the farthest distance light would travel since the Big Bang and include how far it would travel after reaching the observer.

Others say the edge of the observable universe is 13.75 billion light years from the viewer in every direction implying that the Big Bang occurred at the location of the viewer or where our galaxy is. This would make the observable universe 43 billion light years in circumference (13.75 x 3.124).

The bottom line is that the above examples tend to support the idea that the universe contains various cycles without end.

A Higher Realm

What really boggles the mind is that, if the universe is so large, why would a Higher Realm intervene in our lower earthly realm on specific dates of our lunar-solar calendar? Jerusalem’s temple was burned twice, both times on Av 9, on the same day of the week. Jerusalem was plowed twice, both times on Av 9. Jews were ousted from Spain in 1492, on Av 9. The second temple was founded on Keslev 24, 520 BC, and sacrifices were cut off by Antiochus on Keslev 24, 168 BC, and were restored after Keslev 24, 165 BC, on the day of Hanukkah. Some believe Christ was conceived (not born) on Hanukkah, on December 25 in that year. Jews families evolved a tradition of presenting gifts to each other at that time. Many languages have the same word for “conceived” and “born”.

The second temple was founded 64 sabbaticals after the first temple was founded, that is, 49 years after Nebuchednezzar became as a wild animal for seven years. Solomon founded the temple 427 sabbaticals after Adam. Abraham was called 427 years after the flood, 427 years before the exodus. He was first called in Ur, 430 years before the exodus (Acts 7:2; Ex 12:40) before he dwelled in Haran where his father died.

The Bible speaks of “the Most High” in a Higher Realm and spirit beings having the power to intervene in world affairs. These exist in a realm that is permanent, incorruptible, not subject to decay, which will continue to exist after the corruptible world dissolves (II Peter 3:11).

Mathmatical Evidence of a Designer

Time has an interesting, hidden relationship with our three-dimensional world of height, width and depth. It’s called geometric progression. Repetition, pattern and design become evidence of a Designer.

To understand how matter and space are related to time, we need to study geometric progression.



If an artist is painting a scene with fence posts or electric poles receding down the side of a road and evenly spaced apart, the first, for example, may be 2 units tall. If so, then the second would be 1.4142136 units tall. The third would be 1 unit tall (above the horizon). The fourth would be .7071068 units tall (above the horizon), and the fifth would be ½ (or .5) of a unit. As the illustration on the left. This same identical progression also applies to a road receding to the distant horizon.


This same progression also occurs when a square is surrounded by a circle, and the circle is surrounded by another square, etc.  

This same progression also happens when the stack of circles and squares are piled inside a corner of a square like a pyramid as illustrated. Each curve represents a fourth of a circle.

If the curves are flattened horizontally, they form the same angle as the Great Pyramid. A tunnel at the entrance of the Great Pyramid points to the Celestial North Pole, and a shaft from the king’s chamber points to the celestial equator.



This sequence is like the sides of a square compared with the diagonal of a square. If the sides are one unit, then the diagonal is 1.4142136 units. The sequence also occurs when the sides are both the square root of 1. The diagonal is the square root of 2.

The earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees, and its north pole traces a circle in the northern heavens over 25,827 years. Since this is done counter clockwise to the spin of the earth, this causes a “precession of the equinox”, a loss 365.242 days over the 25,827 years, one day every 70.71068 years.

365.24219 x 70.71068 = 25,826

365.24219 \ 25,826.5 = .0141421






Pendulums, tuning forks, guitar strings, chimes and wooden bars all vibrate according to how long they are.  How long must a pendulum be to swing one second? Time does not depend on the weight at the end nor how wide the swing. Will the pendulum twice that length swing in 1.4142136 seconds? One Hertz is one vibration per second. Then consider mega-hertz and giga-hertz. Will two Hertz vibrate twice as fast as one Hertz or in 1.4142136 seconds? Does this sequence also apply to quartz-crystal oscillators as timing devices? More research is needed.

Synchronizing our Watches

The bottom line is that, if we want to feel close to the Higher Realm, we must synchronize our watches. Ours might be wrong.

It knows that Jupiter orbits the sun 36 times in 427 years, that is, in 61 sabbaticals, that there were 61 x 7 sabbaticals between Adam and Solomon’s temple. But our watches might say that 10 orbits take 120 years and that 40 orbits take 480 years.

It knows that time is divided into sevens. There are 52 weeks in a year with 1.24219 days left over. This remainder adds up to 52 weeks in 294 years, in six jubilees (42 sabbaticals) (294 x 1.24219 = 365.2).

It knows that, if our calendar has 365 days per year, it will need to add one day every four years or one week every 28 years to make each year to average 365.25 days, but it still will be one day too long every 128 years.

It knows the spin of the earth slows down only one second in 50,000 years and is very precise. It knows the calendar began with Adam, which was likely corrected every 128 years, 12 times between Adam and when Noah was 480, i.e., 120 years before the flood (480 + 120 = 600) (Gen 6:3). 

It knows the 19-year cycles were counted after 3957 BC, not four jubilees later, after 3761 BC. Rabbinical chronology subtracted 196 years (4 jubilees), 60 years between Abraham and his father and 136 years between 832 and 968 BC for dating the temple (3957 – 3761=196 yrs.).

There was always an eclipse 29.5305 days before the end of 19 years. This became known as the 18-year eclipse cycle:

It knows that one jubilee (49 solar years) equal 50.5 lunar years; 98 solar years equal 101 lunar years; 196 solar years equal 202 lunar years; 294 solar years equal 303 lunar years.

How can we marvel at, sing about and appreciate what the Higher Realm has done if we are out of sync?

Adam and the Beginning

To understand the time of the beginning, we need to consider the ages of prehistoric reptiles and dinosaurs. They were not likely created and buried during the seven days of Creation to try our faith, to see if we will accept the King James Version of the Bible.

We need to consider that Adam and Eve were of one flesh because everything was to breed after their own kind.

Adam was made from the dust of the ground just as all birds and animals were made from the dust of the ground (Gen 2:19), and all of these do return to the ground.

Last, but not least, we need to consider the resurrection. If we cannot believe that man can be created in one day, how can we believe he can be made a second time in one day?

We need to consider the lifetime of Adam dying 930 years after Tishri 1 but 931 years after the year before Tishri 1.

931 years equal 19 jubilees.

Noah’s son, Shem was born 98 years, two jubilees before the flood.

We need to consider the leprous hand of Moses. When he tucked his hand into his clothing next to his belly, it came out leprous as snow. When he repeated this, it came out again healed as other flesh (Ex 4:6-7). 

We need to include the story of king Nebuchednezzar of Babylon, how he became a wild animal 49 years before the second temple was founded in 520 BC. He remained as an animal for seven years, until his mind was restored with human reason.