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                       BIBLE CODE 251



Repetition of 251 Years
Throughout the book of Genesis

Repetition of 251 Years Throughout the book of Genesis
72 pages, 11 tables

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CODE 490


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by Floyd R. Cox

Without Moses, we would know little about when the world allegedly began, how long it was after that until the flood and when the Israelites finally left Egypt at the exodus. It is important to discover the time between Solomon’s temple and the exodus long before we attempt to set a date for creation. Setting dates is important, and speculation has become one of America’s favorite pastimes. Googling for the “date of the exodus” gives us 605,000 hits! Of course, this implies that not many are satisfied with present theories.







Well, here’s something new for them to consider. I have made an important new discovery I’d like to share. This website uncovers a whole new insight, a mysterious 251-year time pattern, hidden in Genesis, the first book of Moses, which should have been placed in the margins to preserve the original version of the first 2510 years. This is a treasure hunt, looking for priceless gems hidden just beneath the surface.

We have been exposed to time spans introduced by Archbishop James Ussher in the King James Version of the Bible, but he never found the 251-year pattern this present writer has discovered throughout the book of Genesis and elsewhere.

Ussher’s work, The Annals of the World, was published in 1658, two years after his death.

The Annals is a chronology back to Adam, 4,004 BC, a timeline for the births, deaths and other events in the years AM (After Man). Shem was born when Noah was 502 (251 x 2), and Shem continued to live for 502 years after the flood (Ussher: pages 21 & 27). Ussher states what happened in the years 1757, 2008, and 2259, but he never observed that these dates form a 251-year pattern:


      0 AM (After Man): Creation of Adam

1757 AM: Birth of Peleg, fall of Babel & nations were dispersed (Ussher: page 21).

2008 AM: Birth of Abraham (Ussher: page 22).

2259 AM: Birth of Joseph (page 29).

2513 AM: The Exodus from Egypt (page 39).

Each of these numbers after Creation is divisible by 251 except 2513. It should be 2510 AM, but Ussher made a 3-year mistake for the period between Abraham and the exodus.

Other chronologists have used these same eras, and they are not some new way of manipulating the numbers for a sensational, new scheme for a “best seller”.

The pattern is also found where it is not necessary to support a chronology. Shem outlived the flood 502 years (251 x 2) and died 101 years before Joseph was born. By mixing two versions of the story, one could wrongly surmise that Noah was age 251 at the Flood. Babel fell, and the nations were divided when Peleg was born, 101 years after the Flood, 251 Sabbaticals after Adam, and Abraham was born 251 years after Babel. Life spans of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (175, 180, 147) totaled 502 years (251 x 2).

Moreover, I have discovered a 427-year time pattern between Adam and the fall of Babylon in 539 BC, which will be covered here:

Doesn’t take a Genius

For sure, it doesn’t take a genius an imam, chief rabbi, or Pope to see the simple, 251-year timeline found hidden just beneath the surface in major Biblical events, but they haven’t discovered it. Repetition of 251 Years Throughout the book of Genesis restores the original 251-year pattern of chronology back to the original setting without applying it to prophecy for today.

This web site is a work in progress, and corrections and new insights are being added almost weekly. However, the reader must have a mature attention span and be willing to focus patiently on each page.

Ussher’s chronology has been used to create sensational speculation about “the beginning of the world” and “the ending of the world” 6,000 years after Creation. In the 1800’s an Egyptologist/ mathematician/astronomer wrote a book on how the passage in the Great Pyramid measures 6,000 inches, which represent 6,000 years until “the time of the end”.

Other scholars say Egypt’s dynasties are 700 years too long and offer their alternative views on how some dynasties should overlap or be rearranged to match Ussher’s timeline “found in the Bible”.

 This work is new and different and puts everything in its proper context. There is a repetition of 251 years throughout the book of Genesis and elsewhere.






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