Repetition of 251 Years
on Dr. Benedict Zuckerman by Floyd R. Cox As a revisionist, I have found that the rabbinical
system omitted four jubilees, that is, 196 years prior to the first century.
Their date for the temple was 832 BC instead of 968 BC, and they subtracted
60 years between Abraham and his father (136 + 60 = 196 years or 4 jubilees).
Dr Zuckermann does not correct the missing 166 years of the Persian period
(according to the Behistun Inscription) nor does he mention the 30
overlapping years of the kings of Israel. |
The Corrected ViewBy restoring these 196 years, creation would
become dated as 3957 BC, instead of the Jews’ date, 3761 BC. Moreover, the
book of Jubilees says Adam died in his 931st year, in the 19th
jubilee. This suggests that the 19-year cycle and the jubilee cycle both
began with Adam, not with Joshua’s conquest of the Promised Land. If the temple were founded in Solomon’s fourth
year, in 968 BC, 479 years after the exodus (I Kings 6:1), then there were
439 years between Joshua’s conquest and the temple. Therefore, the temple was
not founded in a sabbatical year because 439 is not divisible by 7. Solomon’s
sixth year, 966 BC, would be a sabbatical, because it would be 441 years
after the conquest, and 441 is divisible by 7 but also by 49. Therefore, 966
would have been the connected with the 9th jubilee (441/49 = 9)
after Joshua’s conquest. The temple burned at the end of a sabbatical, in
588/87 BC, 378 years, that is, 54 sabbaticals after 966, there was a jubilee
14 years after 588, in 574 BC, 392 years after 966. Therefore, 574 would be a
jubilee year (966 – 574 = 392 or 8 jubilees). Cyrus
captured Babylon in 539 BC, 427 years after 966 BC. This equals 61
sabbaticals. So there was another jubilee in 525 BC, 14 years after
Babylon fell. The Uncorrected Rabbinical View In
contrast, in the rabbinical view, the temple founded was in 832 BC, and
lasted 410 years, until the Babylonians destroyed it at the end of a
sabbatical, in 422/21 BC. A jubilee was 14 years after Jerusalem fell (Ezek
40:1), in 408 BC, allegedly 850 years after Joshua’s conquest and 14 years of
settling the land, in 1258 BC (1258 – 408 = 850 years). And
then Cyrus captured Babylon 49 years after 588 BC, in 539. The
rabbinical view is that the Israelite conquest was in 1272 BC (40 years after
the exodus), but the jubilee cycle was allegedly 14 years later, in 1258. Thus,
Cyrus conquered Babylon allegedly in 373 BC, 49 years after Jerusalem fell,
and a jubilee was allegedly in 359 BC, 14 years later, after Babylon fell.
Therefore, the Bar Kochba revolt in 132 AD was 490 years after the alleged
jubilee of 359 BC, 14 years after Cyrus’s commandment to allow the Jews
to return from Babylon (Dan 9:25). 359 BC was used to prove there would be a
jubilee in 132 AD during the Bar Kochba revolt (359 BC + 132 AD = 491 = 490
years). (Note:
In reality, there was a jubilee in 574 BC, 14 years after Jerusalem fell
(Ezek 40:1) and one 14 years after Cyrus captured Babylon in 539 BC (359 +
166 = 525 + 49 = 574 BC). Shimeon Bar Kochba would not have been able to
inspire three million to revolt against the Roman occupiers and get their
land back without subtracting these 166 years.) Bar Kochba had to portray himself as the Prince
or Messiah spoken of in Daniel 9. Here again, the 490 years in Daniel 9
depends upon the commandment of Cyrus (Dan 9:25) to let the Jews return to
Jerusalem after 373 BC (+ 166 = 539 BC). Find more on this at: http://code251.com/code166.com. It
becomes obvious that Josephus (after 70 AD) and Ptolemy knew the correct
number of years from Cyrus in 539 BC to the Seluecid Era after 312 BC. It is
obvious that Bar Kochba, a nephew of the priest, along with the entire
rabbinical society removed 166 years between Cyrus and the Seleucid Era to
give credibility to their revolt and messianic movement against the Romans in
132 AD. |
Rabbinical Way NOTE: Dates of the sabbaticals are
counted from Creation. Creation = 3761/60 BC (rabbinical). Creation = 3957/56 (corrected date)
This countdown was used during the second temple and aligns with
sabbaticals in 457, 422 and 37 BC. How can we confirm these dates? 1. Herod captured Jerusalem in a
sabbatical year, in 37 BC, in year 3724 of Creation (3761-37= 3724). This
amounts to 19 times 4 jubilees (19 x 196 years = 3724). This is also
equal to 196 19-year cycles. In contrast, rabbinical jubilees align with
16 BC & 34 AD. 2. The rabbinical date for Adam is 196
(4 jubilees) off and should be 3957 BC. They had removed 60 years between
Abraham and his father, and their date for the temple, 832, is 136 years
off. 3. Adam died 930 years after Tishri 1,
that is, 931 years after Creation before Tishri 1. 931 years equal 19
jubilees. His death was 3920 years (80 x 40 or 8 x 490) before 37
BC. Jubilees are counted from the
week before Tishri 1. Therefore, 37 BC should be a jubilee year and
1189 AD is a known jubilee year. Therefore, 2022 AD is a jubilee year. Note that sabbaticals
and jubilees of the first temple were counted from 1259-58 BC,
that is, 14 years after Joshua’s conquest. The temple was founded in 832 BC 480
years after the exodus, 440 years after the conquest (I Kings 6:1). If
jubilees began at the conquest and were 49 years apart, then one would be
in the 441st year (49 x 9), in 831 BC (7 x 63), in Solomon’s 5th
year. For details on the sabbaticals (in Jeremiah 28:1
& 34, that is 602 and 588 BC (588 – 166= 422 in rabbinical view). For
details on 588, see:
Sabbaticals |
Sabbaticals |
1407 |
BC: Joshua crosses the Jordan in his conquest. |
7 x 63 |
BC 966 |
BC 968 |
BC: Jubilee 441 years (49 X 9) after the conquest. |
7 x 5 |
was two years after temple was founded after 439 years. |
931 |
931 BC:
Sabbatical. House of Israel becomes separate from Judah. |
868 |
BC: Sabbatical in the third year of Jehoshaphat. |
7 x
30 |
721 |
BC: Five Jubilees after 966. Assyrian captivity of
Israel. |
7 x
14 |
623 |
623 BC:
Seven jubilees after 966. Josiah’s reform after he |
609 |
finds the lost book of Moses. |
602 |
602 BC:
Sabbatical, four years before Zedekiah (Jer 28:1). |
7 x 2 |
more years and another sabbatical begins (Jer 28:3). |
588 |
BC: Temple burned AV 9, 587 “at end of a sabbatical” |
7 x 2 |
Sabbatical allegedly began in fall of 588 BC (Jer 34:
14). |
574 |
BC: 8 jubilees after 966, 14 years after Jerusalem fell
(Ezek 40:1). |
7 x 5 |
539 |
49 |
BC: Sabbatical, Babylon fell 49 years after Jerusalem
fell. |
7 x 2 |
525 |
525: 9
jubilees after 966, 14 yrs after fall of Babylon. |
520 |
BC: Second temple founded 64 x 7 yrs. after
968, that |
Rabbinic date: |
is, 12 x 7 after 604 BC (the era of Nebuchednezzer). |
518-166= |
14 |
BC |
7 x 2 |
506 |
BC: 2 jubilees after 604 BC, 14 years after 520 (temple) |
BC is 455 yrs (65 x 7) after 966 (604-506=2 jubilees). |
49 |
7 x 7 |
457 |
BC: 3rd jubilee after 604 = 73rd
sabbatical after 968 BC. |
422 |
422-21 BC: 78 x 7 after 968 BC, 490 years before 69-70
AD = |
163 |
BC: 9 jubilees after 604 (sabbatical in I Maccabees). |
7 x
60 |
BC 33 |
37 |
37 BC: 18
jubilees after Herod captures Jerusalem (sabbatical) |
49 |
13 AD:
Sabbatical |
AD 13 |
7 x
10 |
32 |
34 |
34 AD: 13
jubilees after 604, 490 years after 457 BC. |
60 |
62 |
62 AD: 21
jubilees after 968 BC, 95 sabbaticals after 604. |
67 |
98 |
69 |
69 AD:
Sabbatical: Temple burned on Av 9, 656 years after |
Av 9,
588-587 BC, at the end of a sabbatical. |
130 |
132 |
AD: 15 jubilees after 604 BC, Bar Kochba Revolt. |
475 |
49 x 10 |
AD: Jubilee, fall of Rome (7 jubilees after 132 AD) |
620 |
622 |
AD: 25 jubilees after 604 BC. Mohammed fled Mecca |
(10 jubilees after 132 AD) |
1187 |
7 x 189 |
1189 |
AD: 44 jubilees from 968 BC. Richard de Lionhearted |
17 jubilees before 2022 AD. |
1943 |
1945 |
1945 AD: 52 jubilees after 604 BC,
416 sabbaticals after 968. |
49 |
1966 |
1966 AD: The “War of Atonement” was
in 1967. |
1992 |
1994 |
1994 AD: 53 jubilees after 604 BC.
Split in Churches of God |
50 x 49 years after 457 BC. |
2013 |
49 |
2015 |
2015 AD: 49 yrs after 1966. |
2020 |
2022 |
AD: 61 jubilees after 968 BC (427 x 7) =
(42 x 49 after |
BC) = (122 x jubilees after Adam) = (375 x 7 after 604). |
2041 |
2043 |
AD: 54 jubilees after 604 BC = (6,000 yrs. after 3957) = |
(29 x
49 after 622 AD) = (430 x 7 after 968 BC). |
TABLE 3. Rabbinical Time Chart
410 yrs |
70 yrs |
420 yrs |
980 yrs = 20 Jubilees |
490 yrs = 10 Jubilees |
1948 yrs |
500 yrs |
480 yrs |
480 yrs |
0 A.M |
1948 A.M. |
2448 A.M. |
2928 A.M. |
3338 A.M. |
3408 A.M. |
3828 A.M. |
Creation |
Birth of |
Exodus |
1st Temple |
1st Temple |
2nd Temple
Founded |
2nd Temple Burned (70 AD) |
2488 A.M. |
483 yrs. |
490 yrs. after |
Entry Into Canaan |
(Bar Kochba) |
last 7 years |
850 yrs = 17 Jubilees |
132-139 AD |
There is sufficient proof that the priests and
rabbis needed to show that Simon Bar Kochba was the Messiah that would come
in a Jubilee year, 490 years after 359 BC (490 – 359 = 132 AD). There was allegedly
a Jubilee in 359 BC, 14 years after Cyrus’ commandment in 373 BC (according
to Seder Olam) for the Jews to return from Babylon to Jerusalem (373
BC – 14 = 359 BC) and a Jubilee in 407 BC, 14 years after the first temple
burned in 421 BC (according to Ezek 40:1). Furthermore, if the first temple were burned in 422/421 BC, this would be 490 years (70 weeks of years) before the temple was burned again in 69/70 AD as a fulfillment of Daniel 9:24. Allegedly, the first temple was burned in 422-21 BC 17 Jubilees (50 years each = 850 years) after Joshua’s conquest, after crossing the Jordan river. Details
from the above Table: 50-year Jubilees: 49-year Jubilees: |
34 years |
Persians (during 2nd
temple) |
Priests and Rabbis Knew the true History There is sufficient proof
from Manetho, Josephus, Maimonides and the Behistun Inscription that the
rabbis and priests likely knew the true history of the second temple. It was
burned in 69/70 AD, the 380th year of Seleucid (after 311 BC), and
there were 656 years (instead of 490 claimed by the priests and rabbis)
between the burnings of the first and second temples (587 BC & 70 AD),
for a difference of 166 years (656 – 490 = 166). There is also evidence that
the priests and rabbis removed 62 years between Adam and the exodus from
Egypt (2510 – 2448 = 62). These reductions total 228 years (166 + 62 = 228). To enable the priests and rabbis to inspire three million Jews to rebel against the Roman occupiers, they had to show that 132 AD was a Sabbatical, and the trumpet of the Jubilee would be sounded in the seventh month, on the day of Atonement, in the next fall. They could not revise the time of Darius who decreed that the temple should be founded and decreed that Ezra and Nehemiah could return to oversee the temple and completion of Jerusalem’s walls. They could not revise any of the time after the Era of Seleucid, after 311 BC (in the Babylonian Talmud and accounting system). Next,
they simply counted the years of the reigns of the kings of Israel between
Solomon and the Assyrian Captivity of Israel and did not omit 30 overlapping
years during their time. This is why the rabbinical date for Solomon’s temple
was set at 832 BC, 136 years after 968 BC, the true date for the
temple. Next they omitted 60 years between Abraham and his father, which make
a total of 196 years omitted (136 + 60 = 196 years = 4 jubilees). The Original View that was
Naturally, the question arises: If the rabbinical view was revised, what was the original view that was amended? This portion of the study addresses two mysterious patterns used prior to the first temple, which need more study to see if they could possibly be superficial and unreliable. The first pattern involves evidence there were
2510 years (251 x 10) from Adam to the exodus from Egypt and 2761 years (251
x 11) from Adam to the temple. The second pattern has 2989 years (427 x 7) from Adam to the temple. If 52 years were added to the 1656 years between Adam to the flood, it would be divisible by 427 (427 x 4 = 1708). If 52 years were subtracted between exodus and the temple, there would be 427 years. In essence, this would make 427 times seven from Adam to the Temple. Without adding or subtracting these 52 years, there would still be 427 times seven years from Adam to the temple. These
two views differ 228 years. 2989 A.M. (= 427 x 7) to the temple minus
2761 A.M. (= 251 x 11) to the temple = difference of 228 years (2989 –
2761 = 228). This implies that their original
view that was amended had 251 years from the exodus to the temple instead
of 479 years (479 – 251 = 228). They knew that I Kings 6:1 supported having
480 years. Recent chronographers place the exodus in about 1255 BC (251 x 5),
about 251 before David conquered Jerusalem in 1004 BC (251 x 4). |
Original View had a
251-year Pattern prior to the First Temple 1757 A.M. (= 251 x 7) Fall of Babel, nations divided 1312 BC – 1255 BC = 57
years (17 extra years for 17 Jubilees plus 40 more years back to the exodus). ConclusionThree
million Jews that followed Bar Kochba discovered their priests and rabbis
could not predict the coming of the true Messiah by calculating the years of
the Sabbaticals and Jubilees. Figures don’t lie, but liars figure. Details show how they removed 166 years by subtracting 60 years between Abraham and his father and by adding 228 years between the exodus and the temple (479 – 251 = 228). This makes a total of 166 years removed (228 – 60 = 166). This compensates for subtracting 166 years during the second temple, and the date when Adam was allegedly created on the sixth day after the end of year 3761 BC should remain unchanged. In one view, the temple was likely 2989 years (427 x 7) after Adam. In another view, it would likely be 2761 years (251 x 11). The difference again is 228 years (2989 – 2761 = 228). The
year of Creation in 3761 BC, prior to Adam has been used to calculate the
19-year cycles and can be used to calculate the Sabbaticals and Jubilees. The
Sabbatical of 37 BC, when Herod conquered Jerusalem, was 3724 years (196 x 19
years or four Jubilees times 19) after 3761 BC. The priests and rabbis had removed 196 years, 60 years between Abraham and his father, and they removed 136 years by dating the temple as 832 BC instead of 968 BC (136 + 60 = 196). This information can be used to restore these Jubilees (196 years) prior to 3761 BC. The new date back to Creation would be 3957 BC. This means that, from the temple in 968 BC to Creation in 3957 BC, there are 2989 years. The
rabbinic date of Creation in 3761 BC must be moved backward in time 196 (49 x
4) years and revised to 3957 BC. Reservations
the 251-year and 427-year patterns create the impression that they are
estimates (guesstimates) of time prior to the temple and are most likely to
be superficial, Jewish myth and very unreliable. With the above evidence that priests and rabbis can change numbers to fit into 480-year and 490-year patterns who can trust them regarding the 480 years of the tabernacle to the first temple (I Kings 6:1), the 480 years of the first temple to the second temple, and the 480 years of the second temple down to Bar Kochba? How about the date of Abraham’s calling before his father died (Acts 7:2-4)? Was this 430 years before the exodus, or do we count from when he was 75? How about the 450 years of Judges in Acts 13:20? This conflicts with the 480 years from the exodus to the temple (I Kings 6:1). Seems
that the Jews might have created such patterns so show that “Jehovah is Great!”.
Much more research is needed. |
TABLE 4. Two Core Traditions: 480/499 Years of the
first Temple |
King’s 1st Yr. |
King’s 1st Yr. |
(833) |
4th yr. |
36 |
1016 |
yrs left |
36 |
yrs. |
797 |
Jeroboam |
22 |
980 |
Jeroboam |
17 |
775 |
Nadab |
2 |
963 |
Abijah |
3 |
773 |
Baasha |
24 |
960 |
Asa |
41 |
749 |
Elah |
2 |
919 |
Jehoshaphat |
25 |
747 |
Zimri |
days |
747 |
Omri |
12 |
894 |
(Joram) |
8 |
735 |
Ahab |
22 |
886 |
Ahaziah |
1 |
713 |
Ahaziah |
2 |
711 |
(Jehoram) |
12 |
699 |
Jehu |
28 |
885 |
Athaliah |
6 |
671 |
Jehoahaz |
17 |
879 |
Joash |
40 |
654 |
Joash |
16 |
638 |
II |
41 |
597 |
Zechariah |
mo. |
839 |
Amaziah |
29 |
596 6/12 |
Shallum |
mo. |
810 |
Uzziah |
52 |
596 7/12 |
Menahem |
10 |
586 7/12 |
Pekahiah |
2 |
758 |
Jotham |
16 |
II K. 15:30 |
584 7/12 |
Pekah |
20 |
742 |
Ahaz |
16 |
564 7/12 |
Hoshea |
9 |
726 |
Hezekiah |
6 |
555 7/12 |
Hoshea’s 9th year (Assyrian captivity) |
720 |
Hezekiah’s 6th year (Assyrian captivity) |
277 |
mo. |
296 |
yrs. |
Hezekiah’s 6th year |
23 |
Hezekiah’s 6th year |
23 |
532 7/12 |
Manasseh |
55 |
697 |
Manasseh |
55 |
477 7/12 |
Amon |
2 |
642 |
Amon |
2 |
475 7/12 |
Josiah |
31 |
640 |
Josiah |
31 |
444 7/12 |
Jehoahaz |
mo. |
609 |
Jehoahaz |
mo. |
444 10/12 |
Jehoiakim |
11 |
3/12 |
Jehoiakim |
11 |
433 10/12 |
Jehoiachin |
mo. |
3/12 |
Jehoiachin |
mo. |
432 1/12 |
Zedekiah |
11 |
6/12 |
Zedekiah |
11 |
421 |
(Temple destroyed) |
+ 166 = |
587 6/12 |
(Temple destroyed) |
133 |
133 |
Total Era of Jerusalem
410 |
+13 mo. |
Total Era of Jerusalem |
429 |
+ 6 mo. |
Period without 1st temple |
70 |
Period without 1st temple |
70 |
Total from 1st to 2nd
temples |
480 |
mo. |
Total from 1st to 2nd
temples |
499 |
6 mo. |
Note: TABLE 3 illustrates two
traditions. In the rabbinic dates on the left, the Assyrian captivity of
Israel is 555 BC while Ussher’s date is 720 for a difference of 165 years.
After the temple is destroyed, the dates differ 166 years (587 – 421 = 166)
(517 - 351 = 166). The missing 166 years is corrected prior to the Era of Jerusalem. Rabbinic tradition on the left allows 2927 years from Adam to David’s 7th year, whereas the 251-year pattern calls for 2761 years (251 x 11) to the Era of Jerusalem. The rabbinic date of Creation is 3761 BC. |
753 yrs |
753 yrs |
The following is a synopsis of a treatise on rabbinical chronology of sabbaticals and jubilees according to Dr. Benedict Zuchermann and the mindset prior to 1843, when Henry Rawinson deciphered the Behistun Inscription of ancient Persia. Prior to Rawlinson, the rabbinical schools taught that the Babylonians burned the first temple in 421 BC, on Av 9, 490 years before the Romans burned the second temple in 69-70 AD, on Av 9. (There was a mistake of one year, the missing “year 0”; so they recorded the date as 68-69 AD. These dates are off 166 years. NASA lunar charts prove that the 9th of Av had to be in 587 BC, not 421 BC. Nevertheless, the old paradigm still lingers on during our present era. The treatise reveals that the temple was in 832 BC, instead of 968 BC, that the exodus was in 1312 BC, instead of 1447 BC., that creation was in 3761 BC, instead of 3957 BC. They had removed 196 years, or six jubilees. A Treatise on the JUBILEE, A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE TIME ANTERIOR AND SUBSEQUENT TO THE CAPTIVITY ACCOMPANIED BY A TABLE OF SABBATICAL YEARS Translated from the German
by Floyd R. Cox)
TABLE 7. A Concise Comparison |
Pattern |
Figures |
Age at son’s birth |
Adam |
130 |
130 |
3761 BC |
Seth |
105 |
105 |
Enos |
90 |
90 |
Cainan |
70 |
70 |
Mahalaleel |
65 |
65 |
1757 yrs. |
1757 yrs. |
Jared |
162 |
162 |
Enoch |
65 |
65 |
Methuselah |
187 |
187 |
Lamech |
182 |
182 |
502 |
502 |
600 yrs. before the flood of yr 1656 |
(born 98 yrs. before the flood) |
100 |
100 |
(born 2 yrs. after the flood) |
35 |
35 |
Salah |
30 |
30 |
Eber |
34 |
34 |
Peleg |
30 |
30 |
Reu |
32 |
32 |
Serug |
30 |
30 |
251 yrs. |
191 yrs. |
Nahor |
29 |
29 |
Terah |
130 |
70 |
Abraham 1757 BC |
2008 |
-60 = |
1948 |
Abraham |
100 |
100 |
Isaac |
2108 |
-60 = |
2048 |
Jacob |
Judah |
Pherez |
502 yrs. |
500 yrs |
Hezron |
Ram |
Amminidab |
(Prince at the exodus) |
2510 |
-62 = |
2448 |
1313 BC[1] |
Terah to Abram |
Exodus to Temple |
Before Alexander |
Original View
251 |
Revised View
-60 |
+228 = 479 |
-166 |
-60 + -166 = -228 yrs
removed 479- 251= 228
added |
in 3761 BC
Alexander in
NOTES ON TABLE 7. There are 70 jubilees (3430 years) from the rabbinical date of Creation (in 3761 BC) to 331 BC, when Alexander allowed the Jews’ sabbaticals without paying tribute. 331 BC = 70 jubilees after Creation in 3761 BC (490 x 7). 331 BC = 51 jubilees (2499
years) after the death of Adam. 331 BC = 74 jubilees after Creation in 3957 BC. 331 BC = 55 jubilees (2695
years) after the death of Adam. 331 BC = 4 jubilees before Herod conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC. Priests and rabbis revised chronology by subtracting 60 years between Abraham and his father, Terah, and by subtracting 166 years of the Persian period (539-331 BC). These two interventions subtracted a total of 228 years (60 + 166 = 228). Without subtracting 60 years between Abraham and his father and if there were 479 years from the exodus to the temple, there would be 427 times 7 from Adam to the temple (2989 years). Without subtracting 60 years between Abraham and his father and if there were 251 years from the exodus to the temple, there would be 251 times 11 from Adam to the temple (2761 years). The difference again is 228 years. Other periods were better known and could not be
altered. The 19-year cycle is counted from their date of Creation, 3761 BC,
and history was well established after Alexander and during the Era of
Seleucid, after the spring of 311 BC (in the Babylonian Talmud). |
TABLE 9. Sabbatical Years
Fall of |
spring/summer of |
Fall of |
spring/summer of |
Fall of |
to spring/summer of |
3761 |
BC |
37 |
-36 BC
in the fall) |
1189 |
-1190 AD (jubilee in the fall) |
968 |
-967 BC |
62 |
- 63 AD |
2008 |
-2009 AD |
520 |
-519 BC |
83 |
- 84 AD |
2015 |
-2016 AD |
331 |
-330 BC (jubilee in the fall) |
132 |
- 133 AD |
2022 |
-2023 AD (jubilee in the fall) |
44 |
-43 BC |
475 |
- 476 AD |
2043 |
-2044 AD |
TABLE 10. Dr.
Herman Hoeh’s 50-year Jubilees: Handwritten Dated October 9, 1998 |
Revised by |
Jewish World Era |
Correction |
Floyd R. Cox |
Age at son’s birth |
Adam 3760 BC |
130 |
+224= |
3984 BC |
Adam lived 19 jubilees (Jubilees 4:29) |
Seth |
105 |
105 |
Enos |
90 |
90 |
Cainan |
70 |
70 |
Mahalaleel |
65 |
65 |
Jared |
162 |
162 |
Enoch |
65 |
65 |
Methuselah |
187 |
187 |
Lamech |
182 |
182 |
Noah age 502 at Shem’s birth |
502 |
502 |
Shem born 98 years before the flood |
98 |
98 |
2104 BC |
1656 |
+224= |
1656 |
2328 BC |
1656 |
Arphaxad born 2 yrs. after the flood |
2 |
2 |
Salah |
35 |
35 |
Eber |
30 |
30 |
Peleg born |
34 |
34 |
2003 BC |
101 |
+224= |
101 |
2227 BC |
Peleg |
30 |
30 |
1757 (251 x 7) |
Reu |
32 |
32 |
Serug |
30 |
30 |
Nahor |
29 |
29 |
Terah |
70 |
130 |
Abraham 1812 BC |
292 |
+ 164 = |
352 |
1976 BC |
2008 (251 x 8) |
Abraham |
100 |
100 |
1712 BC |
392 |
+ 164 = |
452 |
1876 BC |
Isaac |
60 |
60 |
Jacob |
91 |
91 |
Joseph born 1561 BC |
278 BC |
2259 (251 x 9) |
Joseph age 39 arrived in Egypt 1522 BC |
39 |
39 |
In Egypt until the exodus |
210 |
239 |
(Should be 212) |
Exodus 1312 BC |
400 |
429 |
(Should be 402) 1447 BC + 2510 = 3957 BC) |
Exodus |
BC |
1447 BC |
2510 (251 x 10) |
Crossing the Jordan |
BC |
134 = |
1408/7 BC |
Sabbatical |
1401/0 BC |
Jubilee |
1358/57 BC |
Sabbatical |
BC |
1258/57 BC |
Jubilee |
1158/57 BC |
1158/57 BC |
Jubilee |
1058/57 BC |
1058/57 BC |
1st temple founded |
BC |
134 = |
967 BC |
Jubilee |
958/57 BC |
Jubilee: Josiah finds the lost Torah |
BC |
134 = |
623/22 BC |
1st temple destroyed |
BC |
+ 164
= |
586 BC |
Dedication of 2nd temple |
BC |
+ 164
= |
516 BC |
Era of Seleucid |
BC |
000 = |
312 BC |
2nd temple destroyed |
AD |
000 = |
69-70 AD |
years 3760 BC to 69-70 AD |
4052 years to 69-70 AD |
Notes on TABLE 10Dr. Herman Hoeh tirelessly pursued any and all
clues that would date the “time of the end” and influenced probably over two
million followers. Creation was allegedly in 2024 BC. The end, therefore,
would be in 1975 AD. On 10-9-1998 in “The Jewish World Era”, he
revised creation as 3984 BC by showing how and where the rabbis had omitted
224 years. This would change creation from 3760 to 3984 BC. The Jews had
subtracted 60 years between Abram and his father and subtracted 164 years
(instead of 166) after the temple (832 BC instead of 966 BC) (60 + 164 =
224). There were allegedly 239, instead of 210 years,
in Egypt, but I have found no evidence to confirm these 239 years. My belief
is that Joseph was born 251 years after Abraham’s birth and that he was 39
when his family went into Egypt (as noted in TABLE 11). Therefore, as for
births, therefore, Abraham would have been 290, Isaac 190, Jacob 130, Joseph
39 years before the entry. Therefore, at the exodus, Abraham would have been
502 and, Isaac 402, and Joseph 39 at the exodus. Therefore, 39 years in the
wilderness was 251 years since Joseph was 39 when his family entered into
Egypt. This allows 212 years for the Israelites to dwell in Egypt. Abraham
was called 430 years before the exodus while he dwelled in Ur, before his
father died. He was called again 427 years before the exodus while he was in
Haran, after his father died (Acts 7:2-4). Precautions About 1975 In Prophecy There
are several precautions in rushing to judgment in setting dates for the time
of the end. First of all, the Jews used sabbaticals and jubilees in
calculating the first coming of the Messiah. In the alleged Testament of
Levi found in the Lost Books of the Bible, chapter four, Levi says
to his children, the future priests, “And now I have learnt that for seventy
weeks you shall go astray, and profane the priesthood, and pollute the
sacrifices” In chapter five, he proceeds to explain what would happen during
these 490 years breaking them down into 49 years for each jubilee. Next,
Simeon bar Kochba attracted three million to revolt against the Romans in 132
AD by saying it was a jubilee, when they were to return to repossess
Jerusalem and their own lands. 490
years later, Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina and learned from the Jewish
population there they were expecting the arrival of their Messiah, especially
in 622 AD, during their jubilee. The building of a Mosque in Jerusalem
may be related to this event. 622 AD became the first year of the new Muslim
calendar. Next,
Richard the Lionhearted led the Third Crusade in a jubilee year,
1189/90 trying to regain Jerusalem. These
are examples of what could be repeated in 1917, in the time of General
Allenby and in our time… others may likely benefit from applying new meaning
to the next jubilee. The
next TABLE 11 supports the 50th year jubilees were 49 years apart,
and the 50th years was actually 49 years apart. 49 solar years are
equal to 50˝ lunar years except for only one day! This means that in year one
(the jubilee year) both the solar and lunar calendars start over at the same
time. 98 solar years (two jubilees) equal 101 lunar years, as in the chart
below. Nevertheless, some interpret history by
selecting events that are 50 years apart, as did German Rabbi. Strange that
he did not follow the rabbinical calendar in dating the “time of the end” as
2240 AD. Note that, before Ishmael was born, Abraham was
told that his “seed” would live 400 years in a strange place serving other
nations. This likely began when Isaac was weaned, when Abraham expelled
Ishmael and his mother 30 years after Abraham was called in Ur 430 years
before the exodus (Acts 7:6; Gen 15:13). Notes on TABLE 11: False Assumptions using 49,
490 and 251-years Adam lived 930 years, that is, 19 jubilees (Book
of Jubilees 4:19), and Shem lived two jubilees until the flood. These two
cycles should logically join somehow, but 1656 years to the flood do not fit.
It’s 10 years off. The 490-year view has 2548 years (364
sabbaticals or 52 jubilees) from Adam to the exodus. Therefore, an exodus in
1437 BC is 17 jubilees before 604 BC (which aligns with 457 BC, 34 AD and 132
AD). In the 49-year cycle, Isaac is born 392 years (8
jubilees) after the flood, 490 years after Shem’s birth. Isaac was 60 when he
had Jacob, and Jacob was allegedly 430 years before the exodus (which make
490 years after Isaac). The 490-year system used in TABLE 11 has the 122nd
jubilee in 1994-95 (122 x 49 = 5978 years after creation) (49 x 50 after 457
BC), which allegedly makes 2015-16 the 5,999th year (5978 + 21 =
5,999). In comparison to this, the 251-year view has
2510 years (251 times 10) from Adam to the exodus. It has 251 sabbaticals
from Adam to the fall of Babel (when Peleg was born) and 61 sabbaticals from
the flood to Abraham’s age 75 and another 61 sabbaticals from there until the
exodus. The Samaritan text subtracts one jubilee (49
years) from the 1757 years to Peleg (1757 – 49 = 1708). Neither of these views aligns with the sabbaticals and jubilees after Joshua crossed the Jordan. Joshua’s sabbaticals were, evidently, created especially to record the history of the Israelites, from Joshua until their captivity. Solomon founded the temple in 968 BC, 439 years after Joshua crossed the Jordan (I Kings 6:1), but the jubilee was two years later, in 966 BC, 441 years after Joshua. 966 BC aligns with jubilees in 721, 623 and 574 BC (14 years after Jerusalem fell in 588-87, Ezek 40:1). This has been an enigma to every modern-day chronologist that insists that all sabbaticals must align. Which of these cycles should be used in Israel in our present century? |
490-Year and 251-Year Patterns Compared |
by Floyd R. Cox |
49-Year System |
System |
4-15-2014 |
Age at son’s birth |
Adam 3985 BC |
131 |
-28= |
130 |
3957 BC |
Adam lived 19 jubilees
(Jubilees 4:29) |
Seth |
106 |
105 |
Enos |
91 |
90 |
Cainan |
71 |
70 |
Mahalaleel |
66 |
65 |
Jared |
163 |
162 |
Enoch |
66 |
65 |
Methuselah |
188 |
187 |
Lamech |
183 |
182 |
Noah age 502 at Shem’s
birth |
503 |
502 |
Shem born 98 years before
the flood |
98 |
98 |
1666 |
34 jubilees |
1656 |
Arphaxad born 2 yrs. after
the flood |
2 |
2 |
Salah |
35 |
35 |
Eber |
30 |
30 |
Peleg born |
34 |
34 |
101 |
101 |
(1757= 251 x 7) |
Peleg |
30 |
30 |
Reu |
32 |
32 |
Serug |
30 |
30 |
Nahor |
29 |
29 |
Terah |
70 |
130 |
Abraham |
292 |
+60 = |
352 |
(2008= 251 x 8) |
Abraham |
100 |
100 |
392 |
42 jubilees |
452 |
Isaac |
60 |
60 |
Jacob |
91 |
91 |
Joseph |
39 |
39 |
(2259= 251 x 9) |
490 |
300 |
-88= |
212 |
251 |
Exodus |
490 |
52 jubilees |
402 |
= 88 yrs difference |
From the Flood to the
Exodus |
(7 x 126)
882 |
-28= |
854 |
(7 x 122) |
From Adam to the Exodus |
(49 x 52)
2548 |
- 38= |
2510 |
(2510= 251 x 10) |
From Adam to the Exodus |
BC 1437 |
+10= |
BC 1447 |
Note: BC 2548 (52 jubilees after Adam) is 98 years longer than 2450 years (49 x 50). It is 38 years longer than 2510 years. |
TABLE 12a. Proof
that the book of “Jasher”
TABLE 12b |
book of Jasher.pdf
Massoretic Text
(From the Flood
to Abraham’s age 75)
James Bible) |
(after flood) Abraham (after
flood) |
Abraham (after Flood) |
birth 292 292 |
292 |
55 55 |
55 |
347 |
years in Haran (Jasher 13:3-5)
3 To Haran 3 |
3 |
death 350 |
Left Haran 3 3 |
2 |
age 61= 353 |
birth 352 |
< When his father was 130 |
4 4 |
72 |
age 65= 357 |
5 |
430 yrs before exodus |
Back to Haran 5 5 |
Haran 3 |
12:41) |
427 yrs before exodus |
Haran |
Left Haran |
Jasher 13:1: “And Abram remained in Haran three years, and at the expiration of three years the Lord appeared to Abram… Arise now, take your wife and all belonging to you and go to the land of Canaan and remain there…” (Jasher 13:3-5). Abram’s
First Trip to Canaan
the end of that time, at the end of three years of Abram’s dwelling in the
land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of
the life of Abram; and all the days of Noah’s life were nine hundred and
fifty years and he died” (Jasher 13:9). |
was 1. 430 years before the exodus (Ex 12:41). 2. 427 years before the exodus (as TABLE 12b). |
367 +
60 = 427 |
that “Jasher” Jasher
22:33 & Genesis 11:32 say, |
13. Compared With the Rabbinic
251-yr. System |
Rabbinic System |
Exodus & Wilderness |
40 |
40 |
40 |
Joshua Joshua 13:29 |
7 |
41st – 47th Yr. |
25 |
25 |
Elders rule |
36 |
18 |
18 |
83 |
83 |
83 |
Cushan |
8 |
0 |
8 |
Moabites |
18 |
0 |
18 |
Jabin |
20 |
0 |
20 |
Midianites |
7 |
0 |
7 |
Ammonites |
18 |
0 |
18 |
Philistines |
40 |
0 |
40 |
111 |
00 |
111 |
Othniel |
40 |
40 |
Ehud |
80 |
80 |
Shamgar |
0 |
0 |
Deborah |
251-year system allows |
The 479-year system |
40 |
40 |
Gideon |
judges to rule during the |
the oppressions |
40 |
111 |
40 |
Abimelech |
of oppression and/or |
be during the times |
3 |
339 |
3 |
Tola |
the times of rest as in |
of the judges as in the |
45 |
Acts 13:20-- 450 |
23 |
Jair |
40 years of Philistine |
31 years of Jephthah. |
22 |
Jephthah |
in the time of |
6 |
6 |
Ibsan |
and Eli. |
7 |
7 |
Elon |
10 |
10 |
Abdon |
8 |
31 |
8 |
Samson |
20 |
20 |
Eli |
40 |
40 |
00 |
339 |
339 |
Samuel alone and fighting Philistines |
20 |
I Sam. 7:2 |
10 |
10 |
Samuel alone, peace with Philistines |
18 |
I Sam. 7:13; 8:1 |
Acts 13:12 |
Saul wars with Philistines |
12 |
Sam. 14:52 |
2 |
22 |
David contemporary with Saul |
5 |
II Sam. 2:10,11 |
6 |
David contemporary with Ishbosheth |
2 |
II Sam. 4:8; 5:3-6 |
2 |
2 |
Jerusalem conquered in David’s 8th
year |
I Chron. 11:3-4 |
I Sam. 7:2 |
57 |
20 |
II Sam. 6:2-3 |
57 |
of Jerusalem |
251 |
442 |
590 |
David in Jerusalem |
33 |
Solomon until temple is founded |
4 |
37 |
TOTALS from the exodus to the Era of Solomon’s
Temple |
479 |
[1] The exodus was about 251
years before David brought the Ark into Jerusalem in 1004 BC. This is supported by the rabbinic chronology after restoring its
missing 62 years. This dating is supported by Jack Finegan in his Handbook
of Biblical Chronology when he says the Exodus was about 40 years prior to
the 5th year of Merneptah (son of Ramses II) and it is
supported by Kenneth Kitchen when he associates the exodus with the death of a
son of Ramesses II in 1262 BC.