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is where the sabbaticals came in handy. Jacob served seven years to marry
Leah and seven years to marry Rachel. His son, Joseph, was 30 when Egypt had
seven fat years and seven lean years. Perhaps Abraham was 72 when he left Ur
and had Ishmael 14 years later, when he was 86, and had Isaac 14 years later,
when he was 100. These are clues about having sabbaticals prior to the
exodus. My
theory was that Abraham was called twice, once at the age of 72 while he
lived in Ur of the Chaldees, before he lived in Haran, and once when he was
75, when he was called to remove to Canaan, after his father died at the age
of 205. He was evidently called twice. In
Acts 7:1-4, Stephen said, “The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham,
when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, And said unto
him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the
land which I shall shew thee. Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans,
and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed
him into this land, wherein ye now dwell.” Abraham’s
father died in Haran (or Charran) when he was 205 (Gen. 11:32), when Abraham
was 75 (Gen. 12:4). But Abraham was called in Mesopotamian Chaldea before he
was 75, perhaps when he was 72. Exodus
12:40 implies there were 430 years from his calling until the exodus. But
from which calling do we count? If called at the age of 72, 430 years before
the exodus, this would make 502 years from his birth until the exodus (502 =
251 times two). I
could not solve this issue without first proving the exodus was during a
sabbatical or jubilee and first proving there was a sabbatical when Abraham
was 75. I first needed to discover the sabbatical cycle before the exodus. It
seemed to be an unexplored, isolated realm. Exodus in a Sabbatical Year?
there evidence the exodus was during a sabbatical year? If we
count the numbers between Adam and the exodus in Genesis 5 and 11, there are
allegedly 2513 years. If so, perhaps the exodus would be in a sabbatical year
because 2513 is divisible by 7. However, after 1656 years to the flood (in
the King James text), there would be a sabbatical only three years after the
flood, in the year 1659 (7 times 239). Seems strange to have a sabbatical
only three years after all life except eight people had been wiped out. Archbishop James Ussher uses this 2513 years and a
251-year pattern in his work, The Annals of the World,
which was published in 1658, two years after his death. Referring to Genesis
5 and 11, he says that Shem was born when Noah was 502 (251 x 2), and Shem
lived on 502 more years after the flood (Ussher: pages 21 & 27). His
dates are AM (After Man): 0 AM (After Man):
Creation of Adam 1757 AM: Birth of Peleg, fall of Babel & nations were
dispersed (Ussher: page 21). 2008 AM: Birth of Abraham (Ussher: page 22). 2259 AM: Birth of Joseph (page 29). 2513 AM: The exodus from Egypt (page 39). Each of these numbers after Creation is divisible by 251 except
2513. It should be 2510 AM, but Ussher made a 3-year mistake for the period
between Abraham and the exodus by repeating the ancient view that the
Israelites were in Egypt 215 years instead of 212. If I
began counting the sabbaticals after the flood, there were 854 years (7 x
122) from the flood to the exodus, years divisible by seven. Add the 1656
years before the flood, and we get 2510 (251 x 10) years to the exodus
instead of 2513. 854 years are evenly divisible by 7, which again implies the
exodus was in a sabbatical year. |