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12 and 13 mention 3˝ years. Could this be during any sabbatical period? If
so, which one? There are still some difficulties: 1. Some have predicted the
end would be in the sabbatical of 1972, that is, 2510 years after 539 BC,
when Babylon fell to Cyrus. Others thought the end would be in the sabbatical
of 1982, that is, 2520 years after 539 BC. These dates restore the sabbatical
cycle that can be traced from 931 to 539 BC. We know for sure what
happened for 49 years between 588 and 539 BC. It represents the captivity,
return and restoration of the Jews of Jerusalem spoken of by the major and
minor prophets. But when compared with an exodus of 1255 BC, this cycle is
two years off. 2. After much research and
meditating on the subject, I too preferred to speculate on the sabbatical and
jubilee mentioned by Isaiah in the 18th year of Hezekiah, in 709
BC, because it was endorsed by Christ 15 jubilees later, in 27-28 AD, and
this cycle can be traced on down to 1987-88 AD. This cycle lasted from
1255 to 709 for 78 sabbaticals and from 1255 BC to 27 AD for 183 sabbaticals.
A legacy preserved by the Jews, that a jubilee was announced in the fall of
132 AD, is compelling because it would be 1386 years, or 198 sabbaticals
after 1255 BC. But 196, not 198, sabbaticals are 28 jubilees. 198 sabbaticals
are 14 years off. 3. Furthermore, time
between events may be divisible by 49, 294 or 490 without actually being in
jubilee years. It seems logical there were 294 years (equivalent to 6
jubilees) from 1255 BC (the exodus) to 961 BC (the temple dedication).
There were 294 years (equivalent to six jubilees) from 331 (when
Alexander captured Jerusalem) until 37 BC, when Herod captured Jerusalem).
However, the period from 961 to 331 BC is not evenly divisible by 49. 4. Dr. B. Zuchermann,
Professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary, in Breslau (now Wroclaw,
Poland), said the sabbatical was in 68-69 AD, in the year before the fall of
Jerusalem. This is compatible with Archbishop Ussher. In contrast, Ben Zion
Wacholder says that Jerusalem fell during a sabbatical, in 69-70 AD. Zuchermann
says Jerusalem fell in the first year after the sabbatical, of 68-69 AD. 5. Revelation is likely a disclosure of events
of the Old Testament, a book that had hidden meaning and previously sealed. A
great light has come, something like a great pyramid 1500 miles high, a light
that has pierced through the dark clouds and gloominess to enlighten our
minds, but many are still too blind to see it, blinded by speculators. To understand the Jezebel of Revelation 2:20 and
the “3˝ years of tribulation” (Revelation 11, 12 and 13) we need to first
uncover the context of the 3˝ years of Elijah and Jezebel’s time. And why are
“the two witnesses” of Revelation 11 compared with “two olive trees”, two
candlesticks and the two cherubim in the temple? The cherubim were created
from olive trees. Surprising how many gems we might find if we just keep
digging. Meanwhile messianic
movements will likely continue in connection with future sabbaticals in our
earthly realm. The
Endless Search for Priceless Gems The copious dialog
presented here quickly tries our patience and attention spans. Readers need
to go to each tab above to get the missing details. From the foregoing, we get
the impression that the Bible was written in such a way that every generation
would expect the time of the end in its own time. Exposed to the Greek
Septuagint text, Barnabas, a companion of the apostle Paul, thought the end
of 6,000 years was near even in the first century. I have established the
fact that the sabbaticals played a huge role during the Hebrew kings, that
there is some type of Intelligent Design involved. Joshua knew about the
future period to become blessed and the period to become cursed. Solomon
spoke of the end of the period to be cursed when he dedicated the temple.
Babylon fell at the end of eight jubilees after the death of Solomon, after
Israel and Judah split into two kingdoms, and both Isaiah and Jeremiah could
predict that the last 70 years would end in 539 BC with Cyrus capturing
Babylon. |