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                         The Origin of the 427-year Pattern

The next feat is to find evidence that the 427-year pattern is not based upon numerology, or Hebrew myth. Then there needs to be evidence that the original chronology may have had 427 x 4 (1708 years) from Adam to the flood and 427 years from the exodus to the temple. This would support the view that the flood, exodus and temple were originally in sabbatical or jubilee years.






























Jupiter’s Orbits


A common problem given math students is to find the next number in a sequence. Given a series such as 3, 7, 15, 31, 63… the next number is ___. Hint: 7 = 3 doubled plus 1.

Computer programming, is related to a Fibonacci sequence, such as, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… where the next number is sum of the previous two numbers (Google for “Fibonacci Java”).

Jupiter’s orbit is based upon a sequence of 2, 6, 8, 14, 22, 36… formed into a spiral. Other spirals form in snail shells, sunflowers, galaxies, toilet flushing and hurricanes: Spirals and Snails

All life forms from amoeba to man are based upon one cell becoming two, two becoming 4, etc in the series: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. Some may remember that one floppy disk once held 1024 kilobytes or one megabyte.

This sequence also forms an infinite sequence by doubling and by counting:

2, 4, 8, 7, & 5. (8 x 2 = 16) & (1 + 6 = 7).

See: Randy Powell - YouTube

Another feature of Jupiter is found in its 12-year orbit around the sun. As Jupiter comes within view of the earth each year, Jupiter appears to be retrograding, moving backwards, in compared to the stars that remain stationary. This can be used as a 120-year clock (as in Genesis 6:3). 











  224.6 days

8 years

243 years

251 years

The Origin of the 251-year Pattern

It is likely that the original version of the 251-year pattern was based upon a 251-year cycle, when Venus aligns with the sun, earth and a distant star. There is a lack of evidence that something else, anything else besides Venus, has a 251-year cycle. Venus aligns with the sun, earth and a distant star every 224.695 days (1 orbit), 8 years (13 orbits), 243 years (395 orbits) and 251 years (408 orbits) (8 + 243 = 251).






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