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TABLE 10. 427-year Pattern

In TABLE 10, Jupiter aligns with the sun and earth every 36 orbits, in 427 years, that is, in 61 sabbaticals. There were 61 jubilees from Adam to the temple (2989 yrs.). There were 122 sabbaticals between the flood and the exodus (854 yrs.). There are 122 jubilees in 5978 years (6,000 is not evenly divisible by 49).

The following chart is based upon Creation in 5955BC, exodus in 1393 BC, the first temple in 966 BC, and the fall of Babylon in 539 BC. Evidence shows there were also sabbaticals during the second temple in BC 520, 457, 331 and 37 BC and a jubilee in the fall of 1189 AD, at the beginning of the Third Crusade, which can be extrapolated to 2022 AD.



2989 yrs
5978 yrs



61 jubilees
   539 BC

122 jubilees



1393 BC



Fall of



















































Notes on TABLES 1 to 9

The Jupiter Cycle: Jupiter alignment with sun, earth & distant star:

= 36 orbits in 427.03 years, 72 orbits in 854.06 years.

1656 + 479 =      427 x 5

2510 + 479 =      427 x 7

1656 + 854 =      427 x 10


427 x 14 =

427 x 7 =

427 x 2 =

427 x 1  =

1656 + 479 =

1656 + 854 + 479 =

854 x 7 =

49 x 122 =

98 x 61 =

966 BC – 539 BC =

966 BC – 2023 (24) AD =

3955 BC – 966 BC =

3955 BC – 574 BC =

3955 BC – 539 BC =

3955 BC–2023 (24) AD =

3955+1974 (75)+49 =

3955 BC (Adam) – 2510 =

2989 x 2 =

5999 – 21 =

5978 (854 sabbaticals) (122 jubilees)

2989 Adam to temple, temple to 2021 AD (61 jubilees)

854 Flood to exodus = 122 sabbaticals

427 Flood to Abraham age 75

427 x 5 = 2135 Abraham age 127, Sarah age 117

2989 = 427 x 7 (= 427 sabbaticals = 61 jubilees)

5978 (854 sabbaticals)

5978 (122 jubilees)

5978 (122 jubilees)

427 yrs. (61 sabbaticals)

2989 yrs. (= 427 sabbaticals = 61 jubilees)

2989 yrs. (= 427 sabbaticals = 61 jubilees)

3381 yrs. (= 69 jubilees)

3416 yrs. (427 x 8)

5978 yrs.

5978 yrs.

1445 BC

5978 yrs.

5978 = 3978  BC to 2022 AD


The 427-year cycles end in 539 BC, when Cyrus of Persia captured Babylon thus freeing the Jews to return to Jerusalem. This fulfilled the prophecies regarding Jewish transgressions during Solomon’s forty years of over-taxation and having 700 wives and the prophecy regarding 390 years thereafter, when Israel and Judah forsook the law and went into captivity.

Perhaps the new sabbatical cycle begins either with Nebuchednezzar’s seven years of madness (569-562 BC) or with the founding of the second temple 49 years (one jubilee) later, in 520 BC, in the second year of Darius, king of Persia. However, 520 BC also aligns with the first temple being founded in 968 BC instead of 966. This cycle continues to 331 BC, when Alexander of Greco-Macedonia allows the Jews to observe their sabbaticals without paying tax.

Christ’s ministry began in 27 AD, 588 years (12 jubilees) after the death of Nebuchednezzar in 562 BC.



There are several hurdles to jump before reaching conclusions. Commentators often oversimplify the problems encountered in order to make their points easy to accept, but two half-truths do not make the full truth.

1. The calendar allegedly began “in the beginning”, when God created every plant and herb of the field. Out of the dust of the ground, God made every beast and bird before there was a man to till the ground (and the ground was tilled and planted in the fall to provide a spring harvest). He planted a garden in Eden placing Adam and Eve there to dress and keep it. Then, at the time of the fall harvest, they ate of the forbidden fruit and were expelled from the garden. Creation was some time prior to when the forbidden fruit was ripe.

2. The Hebrew calendar begins in the fall of 3761 and three months (October, November and December) were in 3761 BC. The next nine months (January to September) are in 3760 BC. In the calendar, each year, each sabbatical and jubilee began in the fall.

3. The Hebrew calendar subtracted 196 years (four jubilees) from the date of Creation. Instead of 3761, it should have been 3957 BC. The calendar omitted 60 years between Abraham and his father ( and subtracted 136 years by dating the first temple as 832 instead of 968 BC (968 – 832 = 136). This means that jubilee periods began in 3957, 3761 and 37 BC. 19-years periods began in 3761 and 37 BC.


TABLE 11.  The 251-year and 427-year Patterns in the Rabbinical View




Adam 3759 BC
Should be 3761 BC
(Abraham was 502 years before the exodus, not 500)

Ball of Babel

1757 yrs

1811 BC
Birth of

1948 yrs

Birth of Joseph

2199 yrs

1311 BC

2448 yrs

1252 BC

2510 yrs

825 BC
Temple Finished

2937 yrs





































Temple finished 479 yrs before the 2nd temple finished in 3416














427 yrs.

427 yrs.

427 yrs.

427 yrs.


753 yrs
(= 251 x 3)

427 yrs























4. There is compelling evidence that years actually began in the spring. A dove brought back to Noah’s ark a leaf from an olive tree before the first day of the first month, when Noah was 600. Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt after the 14th day of the first month. The king of Jerusalem burnt Jeremiah’s scroll during the ninth month, in the winter (Jer 36:22). September means seventh, October means eighth, November means ninth, and December means tenth.

5. The land was to lie fallow, without harvesting or gathering, during spring and summer of the seventh year. To allow this, there could be no plowing or sowing in the previous fall of the sixth year, which is actually the fall of the seventh year since Adam (in the Hebrew calendar). This also applies to the 48th and 49th years, before the jubilee.

6. The land was to lie fallow, without harvesting or gathering, during spring and summer of the eighth year, that is, the 50th year. To allow this, there could be no plowing or sowing in the previous seventh month of the seventh year (Lev 25:9).

7. The jubilee cycle was to commence after Joshua crossed the Jordan river in conquest of the land. It is the first year of a new jubilee period. Those east of the Jordan had already conquered their land under Moses.

8. A release was to be offered as freedom from debts “at the end of seven years” (Deut 15:1; 31:10). This is interpreted as being after the debt had lasted six years (Deut 15:12). Servants were to be released the entire seventh year (Jer 34:14), not just part of it.

9. Property could be sold until the year of the jubilee. This means this type of debts could extend longer than six years. This release begins in the fall of the seventh year, on the day of Atonement, and it is allegedly meant to help us appreciate receiving a new lease on life both physically and spiritually. The trumpet of the jubilee is very similar to our Liberty Bell in proclaiming liberty throughout all the land (Lev 25:10).

10. Events are usually recorded in terms of the lunar month of each event. This could mean it is important to consider that 49 solar years are also 50.5 lunar years (Zuchermann, p. 18). 98 years = 101 lunar years; 196 solar years = 202 lunar years, etc.)

11. Perhaps the biggest obstacle in understanding the jubilee: It is rare to find authoritative publications of extensive research on the topic. One source places the temple in 966 BC, which is followed by sabbaticals in 721, 623, 588, 574 and 539 BC. Another source places the temple in 968 BC, which is followed by sabbaticals in 569, 566, 520, 457, 331 and 37 BC and continuing throughout the second temple to 70 AD.

 12. There were allegedly 479 years from the exodus (1447 BC) to the temple in Solomon’s fourth year (968 BC, I Kings 6:1) and 439 years from Joshua’s conquest (1407 BC) to the temple (968 BC). If the jubilee cycle began with Joshua’s conquest, there would be a sabbatical in 966 BC, in Solomon’s sixth year. This means there would be no plowing or sowing in the fall of that sixth year.







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