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Note that Archbishop Ussher in his Annals of the World
defined David’s first year in Hebron and Solomon’s 12th year as
being Jubilees, and the Ark was brought to Jerusalem in a Sabbatical year,
but his Jubilees were after Joshua’s seven years conquering &
distributing the land, after 1445 BC. There
has been some confusion over David’s 8th year in 1004 BC. If we do
not allow for overlapping years of the kings of Judah, Solomon’s 8th
year appears to be in 1004 BC. David finished his new tabernacle by bringing
the Ark into Jerusalem in his 8th year, and Solomon finished the
temple in his 8th year of building. These two events are 43
years apart.
So, there are four
traditions of when the Jubilee cycle began. Firstly, the cycle began at the
Exodus, and the cycle had continued since the Flood, when Shem was 98.
Secondly, the cycle began at the entry (crossing the Jordan), as in Leviticus
25:2. Thirdly, the cycle began after Joshua conquered the land and
distributed it in the seventh year while in Gilgal. Fourthly, the cycle began
after Joshua conquered the land and distributed it in the 14th
year. Allegedly, there were 17 jubilees (850 years) from the 14th
year after the entry until the 14th year after the temple was
destroyed in 422 BC (Ezek. 40:1) (1272 – 850= 422) (1258 – 850= 408).