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Therefore, some believe the 480 years of the tabernacle in the wilderness until the temple represent 12 generations times 40 years. Nevertheless, there were only six generations from Nashon at the Exodus until David (Num. 1:7; I Chron. 2:10-15; Ruth 4:20-22; Matt. 1:4-6; Luke 3:31-32). If there were 12 periods of 40 years cited, they were not 12 generations but only six from the Exodus to David and seven to Solomon, that is, about 251 years, not 479 or 590. 9. Speculation on Revelation usually
associates the dragon and the beast of Revelation with the Catholic Church.
It does not identify them with the local Herod dynasty and the emperors
descending from Julius Caesar (See CODE 666). Chrono-messian-ism (or Sabbatical Messianism) There is an interrelationship between the 251-year pattern and the Jubilee cycle, such as: 251 + 49 = 300; 502 + 98 = 600; 2510 (Adam to the Exodus) - 854 (Flood to the Exodus) = 1656 (Adam to the Flood) These numbers imply that some time patterns, such as Sabbaticals and Jubilees, might perhaps be used to predict the coming (or return) of the Messiah. Chrono-messian-ism (or Sabbatical
Messianism) is the belief that we can calculate when the Messiah will come
(or return) by using biblical chronology to determine the Sabbatical years.
The term was coined by Ben Zion Wacholder, Chronomessianism
The Timing of Messianic Movements and the Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles,
Hebrew Union College Annual Vol 46 1975. Here are several examples: 1. The book of Jubilees divides previous eras into periods divisible by seven. The Israelites entered Canaan in the beginning of seven-year cycles, allegedly in 1272 BC. However, the rabbinic society inserts a 50th year after every 49 years. Jephthah was in 972 BC, 300 years (six Jubilees) after the entry into Canaan (This was recorded as early as the Greek Septuagint, just after 280 BC). David was after 400 years, in 872 BC. Solomon dedicated the finished temple in 822 BC, in the 50th year after David’s first year, in Solomon’s 12th year. Jerusalem was attacked in 709 BC, in a Jubilee year. The temple was burned after the 750th year. Cyrus’ decree to release the Jews was in 372 BC, in 900 years, that is, 50 years after Jerusalem burned. Jerusalem and Tyre were conquered for 70 years. Antiochus Epiphanes’ attack on Jerusalem ended in 163 BC, in a Jubilee year. John the Baptist began his mission in the 15th year of Tiberius, in a Sabbatical year. Jeruslem was destroyed in 70 AD, in a Sabbatical year. The Bar Kochba revolt began in a Jubilee year, in 132 AD. 2. If we determine that Daniel 9 is speaking of future 70 weeks, or 490 years, from the time Cyrus made a commandment in 538 BC for the Jews to return from Babylon to Jerusalem, then the end would be in about 48 BC (538 – 490 = 48 BC). This would apply to Julius Caesar’ time, but it would not predestine what would happen in the first century AD. 3. If we determine that Daniel 9 is speaking of future 70 weeks, or 490 years, from the time Artaxerxes Longimanus allegedly made a commandment in 457 BC for Ezra’s return from Babylon to Jerusalem, then the end would be in about 34 AD (490 - 457 = 34 AD). The last seven years would begin in the year after a Sabbatical, and Christ would die in the middle of the last seven years (Dan. 9:27). This would explain the hidden meaning of Christ reading a passage of Isaiah in the synagogue, which referred to his fulfilling the year of Jubilee. In 132 AD, 98 years (two Jubilees) after 34 AD (34 AD + 98 = 132 AD), Simeon Bar Kochba used the 490 years of Daniel 9 to show he was a Messiah sent to expel the Roman occupiers. The 10 Jubilees counted from Cyrus conquering Babylon allegedly in 372 BC (actually in 539 BC) proved he was Messiah. The revolt had 3 million followers. 4. In the rabbinical view, the first temple was destroyed in 587 BC, in the year after a Sabbatical (Jeremiah 34). This ended the era of the first temple. Farmers were told not to plant in the fall of the sixth year (589 BC) because the seventh year would begin in the next spring. The ram’s horn was blown in the fall of the seventh year on the day of Atonement (588 BC) if the Jubilee would begin in the next spring (587 BC). Servants were to be released and debts canceled. |