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966 and 959 both align with the sabbatical of 588 BC, after which
Jerusalem fell (Jeremiah 34:17), and align with the sabbatical of 539 BC,
when Babylon fell. This should provide new insight into the fall of
“Babylon the Great” after 42 months, 3½ years, or 1260 days, when the ram’s
horn is blown in the book of Revelation. Nebuchednezzar, King of Babylon
became a wild animal for 7 years in 569 BC, 49 years before the second temple
was founded in 520 BC. Perhaps this is a hint. Herod conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC, 6 jubilees after Alexander had
conquered it and allowed the sabbaticals to be kept without tribute after 331
BC. Perhaps this is a hint. Temple founded in a Sabbatical Year? Since
sabbaticals and jubilees begin on the first and tenth day of the seventh
month, this implies that they commemorate the calendar of the years since
Creation in the fall, when the fruit was on the trees. According to the era
of the world (see the above time chart) a sabbatical would have been in the
year the temple was founded in 968, in a sabbatical year, as per Wacholder’s
view, and it has become evident there were 448 (7 x 64) years from the
foundation of the first temple to the foundation of the second temple, from
968 to 520 BC. Dates
of Archbishop James Ussher and Zucherman would be one year earlier, in 969
and 521, and would explain his worldview that the sabbaticals were in 710 BC,
in the 18th year of Hezekiah (Annals of the World p.
85), 591 BC (Annals p. 102) and 521 BC (Annals p. 126). In
the worldview, Nebuchednezzar became like a wild animal for 7 years after 569
BC, 49 years before the second temple (in 520 BC). In
the worldview, Alexander conquered Palestine in 331 BC, 189 (7 x 27) years
after 520 BC, and allowed the 7th year off without collecting a
tribute on the land (520 –331 =98). 294 years later (six jubilees), in 37 BC,
Herod conquered Jerusalem (331 – 37 = 294). In
contrast, the calendar of the era of the exodus (as in I Kings 6:1) began
with the first day of the first month, in the spring, and the sabbaticals
were counted 40 years later, when Joshua crossed the Jordan. Therefore, there
would be a sabbatical 441 years later, in 966 BC, two years after the temple
was founded. On Second Thought The downfall of all nations, including America, is caused by mere
human greed and by creating economic bubbles that burst, and this is
everywhere. Everyone lives on credit cards, which, allegedly, will never
expire. However, Revelation implies that it is not a myth that the downfall
of Jerusalem, Babylon and other nations was the result of God’s intervention
on certain very specific dates. If Babylon fell during a sabbatical year,
perhaps this is a key to Revelation, that Babylon the Great will fall in a
sabbatical or jubilee year, at the end of the last 3½ years, 42 months or
1260 days. But do we count down from Creation in 3957 BC or count down from
Joshua’s conquest 40 years after the Exodus in 1407 BC? There appears to be a
difference of two years. Was 1975 AD the 69th jubilee after
Joshua’s conquest, or was 2001 AD a sabbatical year? More research is needed.
Upon very close inspection of the above time chart, it becomes
apparent there are 427 times 7 years (61 jubilees) from Adam to the temple
and 427 times 14 (122 jubilees) from Adam to 2022 AD. There would be 427
times 8 (488 sabbaticals) from Adam to the sabbatical of 541 BC, two years
before Babylon fell, 430 years after Solomon’s first year in 971 BC (Ezek.
4:6). There are 427 years from the flood to Abraham’s second calling and
427 years from Abraham’s second calling to the exodus (if we say Abraham’s
first calling was 430 years before the exodus, as in Acts 7:1-2). Furthermore, we could easily reduce the years from the exodus to
the temple from 479 to 427 years by overlapping the judges 52 years. This would
indicate the exodus was actually 427, not 479, years before the temple. We
could easily increase the years from Adam to the flood from 1656 to 1708 (427
x 4) years by inserting 52 years. The years between each generation would
most likely resemble the Samaritan text, that is, 1307 years plus 401 years
to the flood as illustrated here:
This would indicate that Adam was actually 427 times four years before the
flood. Can we rely on chronology to predict the future if we find numerical
patterns such as these? Perhaps time will tell. Quoting other
The Samaritan tradition dates Israel’s entry into Canaan as year
one of the sabbatical and jubilee cycles, in 1642 BC, the 41st
year after the exodus in 1682 BC -
This would be 128 sabbaticals before the Era of Nebonassar, in 747 BC. This
supports the idea that sabbaticals can begin with a new era, such as Creation
or entering Canaan or during the new Era of Nebonassar (
- search for “sabbatical”). |