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What is the evidence that 3761 was the beginning of the 7-year, 49-year and 19-year cycles?

From Josephus, a first century Levite historian, we learn that Herod conquered Jerusalem in a sabbatical year, in 37 BC.

To find whether 37 BC was a sabbatical, simply subtract 37 BC from 3761 BC (Creation?), which will give us 3724 years. Dividing that by seven results in 532 sabbaticals! (532 x 7 = 3724). 532 years are composed of 28 years (of the solar cycle) times 19 years (of the lunar cycle).

Just as dates repeat on the same month and day every 19 years, all dates repeat on the same day, week and month in 532 years.

Now Consider 3957 BC

Moreover, if we subtract 37 BC from 3957 BC, we get 3920 years. Divide this by seven, and we get 560 sabbaticals or 80 jubilees! (560 x 7 = 3920) (49 x 80 = 3920). And 3957 was four jubilees before 3761. Thus, we can say that both 3957 and 3761 began with new 7-year sabbaticals and 49-year jubilees. 3957 also aligns with the 19-year calendar of Nabonassar in 747 BC and the Islamic calendar of 622 AD.

It seems more meaningful when we combine the 19-year and 7-year cycles. Include the 7-year and 49-year cycles called sabbaticals and jubilees, and we find that 37 BC was 294 years (6 jubilees) after Alexander allowed the Jews to observe their sabbaticals without paying tribute after 331 BC.

Importance of Herod

Why is Herod’s capture of Jerusalem important? Like the dragon of Revelation 12:4, he slew the children of Bethlehem trying to kill the Christ-child.

Herod was King over the Jews. Thus the dragon likely represents Herod and/or his sons and grandsons. Christ was later brought before Herod’s son for judgment in 30 or 31 AD, (Revelation also reflects the time near the exodus, when the Pharaoh was trying to kill Moses after his birth.) There was an eclipse near the time that Herod died in his 70th year.

Why a Lunar-Solar Calendar?

The lunar-solar calendar was an important tool to summon all 12 tribes of Israel to return to Jerusalem on the Passovers and holy days and to support Jerusalem financially. When 10 tribes of Israel formed a separate government north of Jerusalem in 931 BC, the leaders of Israel immediately changed the times and seasons to prevent tribes from returning. Likewise today, the Christian world withdraws from recognizing the Intelligent Design of events based upon the Hebrew calendar and, allegedly, to transcend the old world of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, getting even, vengeance and “settling the score” before you die. Everyone died toothless and blind!

However, there is a mysterious connection between events and the calendar. Jerusalem was burned after 588 BC, seven jubilees (343 years) after the 10 tribes departed from Judah. It was burned again 656 years, in 70 AD, 672 sabbaticals after 604 BC, Nebuchadnezzar’s first year, that is, six sabbaticals after 27 AD, when Christ began his ministry. Christ was crucified during a full moon. If it were on April 25, 31 AD, it was on the day of a lunar eclipse, which was at the hour of 23:02:35. An interpretation of Daniel 9:27 says He was killed in the middle of a sabbatical cycle, between 28 and 34 AD. Time patterns like these seem to imply special significance regarding the calendar.

A lunar calendar begins with new moons, when the moon is between the earth and sun. Full moons are when the earth is between the sun and the moon. Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses only occur during new moons and full moons.

Perhaps important events have happened or will occur on these days. After Jerusalem burned in 70 AD, a solar eclipse occurred on the first day of the Hebrew lunar calendar, on Nisan 1, 71 AD (March 20), and the sun was so completely covered by the moon that stars could be seen at noon in Greece.

However, this only happens once in 350 years in any particular point on the earth. Nevertheless, if we could document when these have occurred or will occur, we might discover that major events have happened, thus may happen, in a 19-year pattern or on a new moon or full moon.

Accuracy of the calendar can be verified by modern-day eclipses. A lunar eclipse occurred just after the Passover on Nisan 14 (April 3, 1996) during a full moon, on the Night to be Much Observed. This should not happen if the 235 moons in 19 years were .08056 days longer than each 19-year period if it were not self-correcting. It would be off 8.5 days in 2,000 years.

Other events during the life of Christ may have been related to the calendar, but these should be confirmed by documents, not by just the calendar alone. After all, we were not there.






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